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Christmas Contemplation's

The best gift of all is your time

The Christmas season can be an extremely stressful and busy time of year. Many people are juggling so many things and often become overwhelmed by all they have to do to prepare for the festive season. In the space of a few weeks we must cram in the Christmas shopping, parties, kids Christmas plays, work do’s, drinks with friends, as well as putting up the festive decorations and visiting family, and that's all before the big day itself.

It’s because of the million and one little things, that we presume we must do, that we often forget the seemingly smaller things in life and to be thankful for the things we have, our health, happiness and family which are so very important to us when absent.

For some years now I try to make a real effort not to get bogged down in all the materialistic madness of Christmas, and instead concentrate on the things that are important to me with those close to me. I find spending precious time with friends and family in the lead up to Christmas is of far more important than buying 'stuff' that nobody either really wants or needs.

My family and I have had our fair share of loss and heartache and like so many others, we know that the Christmas season can highlight those pains more acutely than other times in the year. Therefore, we always make a concerted effort to be thankful of those around us, for our family and friends and for the precious memories that we make with them.

Yet, no matter how aware you are of needing to be thankful for all we have, you can easily forget when life gets in the way. As some of you may know I have recently been rather unwell (thankfully I am much better now), but having such a health scare has put even more clarity on how important one's health really is. And so this year I am extra grateful to my wonderful family and friends who have been there for me when I needed them most, and my fellow therapists for both Reflexology and Reiki* which has had a profound effect on my recovery.

Now that I am feeling much better I can look forward to the Christmas season and the festivities to come with a nod to how grateful I am to be happy, healthy and celebrating with my loved ones.

I hope that you too will enjoy a very merry Christmas and New Year. And remember that as well as attending your Christmas parties and putting up your tree, you make time for others and yourself, allow yourself to get over your winter cold, look after yourself and occasionally put your feet up, as your health, your time and your loved ones are priceless, to be cherished, and irreplaceable.


* Shout out to Faye at Healing Hands, a fantastic Reiki practitioner, you can find her at

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